
There are several kinds of Carnations, the three most common are the annual carnations, border carnations and perpetual-flowering carnations.

Carnations are also commonly referred to by their scientific name is Dianthus. Carnations also known as the "The Flowers of God".

Types of Marigold are:

  • Large flowered carnation
  • Spray carnation
  • Dwarf flowered carnations

But some peoples know by colour name like:

  • Yellow carnations
  • Red carnations
  • Pink carnations
  • Blue carnations
  • White carnations
  • Orange carnations, and
  • Green carnations etc.

Control and Prevention:

Alternaria Leaf Spot: Apply a fungicide to protect and encourage healthy plants.

Bacterial slow wilt: Bending, twisting, curling and stunting of side shoots and lower leaves, followed by the death of the lower leaves, is a clear indication your plant is suffering from bacterial slow wilt.

Viruses: Yellow spotting and leaves that are mottled is an indication that your carnations are suffering from a virus. To treat, use insect and mite controls and destroy any infected plants.

Rust: To treat it, plant virus-indexed cuttings. Its also a good idea to tackle mites and insects and, as with viruses, to destroy any infected plants to prevent the disease from spreading.

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